Sunday, July 3, 2011

Pure Gold Rescue Angel Monthly Shelter Animal Fundraiser

Benefiting a no-kill shelter or non profit rescue organization

Our first month's beneficiary is  Sammie's Friends in Grass Valley, California
After weeks of wondering and many tears, there came a brand new idea this evening to help dogs and other animals in no-kill shelters across the country:
"Pure Gold Rescue Angel" Monthly Fundraiser to benefit a non profit no-kill shelter or rescue each month.

Please consider benefiting the no-kill non-profit shelter Sammie's Friends
with the Pure Gold  Rescue Angel.
It has triple benefit - helping animals in need - in these times of financial uncertainty, why not get Gold - and getting to wear a beautiful piece of jewelry.

These Angel images are handcrafted onto a quarter size 24 K pure gold token and contained in a beautiful, hand braided 14 K rope bezel, protected in crystals. Magical and with intrinsic value and not your everyday item, wear it with pride and knowing you have helped animals in need - and eased the worries of rescue workers just a little bit.

Certified .999 gold, as I photographed it in the setting sun - the magic of the gold sparked this idea. It is worth a try at least. Only those who never try are guaranteed to fail.
Every single penny above my cost will go to  Sammie's friends, the designated animal rescue shelter this month.
The quarter size 24 K Gold token is beautifully engraved with the image of an angel and comes in a 14 K gold hand braided bezel.
Your donation above the value of the gold and gold angel art is tax deductible and you will receive a statement at the end of the year.

If you would like to get a Pure Gold Rescue Angel, please contact me through this blog until I have figured out the payment logistics.
How good can a it get get? A Beautiful Piece of Jewelry -  Pure Gold -  and you have Helped Animals in need!
Be a rescue angel and wear it with pride.
Imagine you are wearing your gold rescue angel and people you meet start commenting and asking about it - what a great way for you have to tell the story of dogs, their plight and your love for them and how this is helping rescues and shelters and you can tell them "I got it at". Any yes, it is pure gold. And yes, you are wearing it as a rescue angel and they they too can become one.

You never know who you meet. Everyone can add their voice.

Again this month's beneficiary is
Sammie's Friends of Grass Valley.

Please check them out here:  
Sammie's Friends. It is a very fun website!!!
They work tirelessly for all kinds of animals in need. They need help.
Beloved Skye came from there. 

Skye,  a dog in my life who was the key to a door in my heart.
My heart since then has been broken many times, tears been shed in agony and disbelief - and ever since I have become aware of the plight of literally MILLIONS of dogs each year, I have wondered what I can do to help. This blog in a mini step in that direction, getting the word out to those around me, volunteering, in whatever small way possible at a local shelter and today, this idea of a monthly fundraiser with the help of these Pure Gold Rescue Angels.

For the Love of Skye

It was through going on the internet for helping some folks to raise a 1 y old pup from a shelter that I came across the many videos and postings regarding the plight of dogs and the neglect and cruelty done to them and other animals in our society and this world. My heart was broken over and over - and it is with deep gratitude to have had her in my life that I find myself doing all what I can to help. Help can come in many ways, just as love.
Different ways to help for different kinds of people.

This is one of the things I wrote about Skye.

♥ She IS Art - sculpted and painted by nature and imbued with a big spirit by creation itself.
She IS Art - no point really trying to describe it - she is a delight to behold....beautiful, present, playful, regal, happy, alert, with such elegance in movement, with determination & focus, loyalty in doing her job - independent yet open to adjustment & contact - slowly giving her trust and turning into a love bug.
she raises your spirits with her magnificent presence just being who she is from her essence...a transmitter of divine vibration.
maybe there are other dogs like this - maybe there is one such special dog for everyone that can have such an effect on someone. maybe i was just ready to see, maybe she really is that special, maybe it was reawakening past live connection. who knows...
...wish you could have seen her fly through the meadow, studying a situation, try to play with a cow, or teach stormy how to play or wag her tail or....
may you be blessed with an encounter such as this so when you hear someone say "it's just a dog" or "just a drum" or "just a promise" or "just a weed" - you know that they "just don't understand". not yet've got to be open to the magic, willing to go through the portal into a different world, be amazed, accept what you find there, give it your full attention...allow your heart to be broken once again....humbled, still and awed - and be changed - ART.

1 comment:

  1. I can feel the heart in your effort. Thanks for this opportunity. Marvel Lane, California
